Our Projects & Programs
At Masoka Productions, we are true celebrants of African storytelling and play, and we seek every opportunity to involve the world at large in our celebrations.
Having come from humble beginnings, we have witnessed the relevance, necessity, and the power of story and play—on both a personal and a professional level, for both individuals and groups, and even organisations! The variety of programs we offer, therefore, aim to reintroduce the relevance and power of story and play in the modern world.
We currently offer programs for individuals and community groups, working closely with these on different levels, to introduce the relevance of play in exploring the power of their own story. We will soon be offering school programs to address important issues, such as racism & diversity, healthy relationships, and bullying. We are also working on programs for the workplace, to help professional teams and organisations employ the power of story and play in their work.
Every year, we work on one major project, the "Masoka Village", which we then showcase as our annual festival, for the education and enjoyment of the wider community in the cultures and the ways of the people of African background. We work on this project for an entire year, working closely with local community groups, artists, businesses, and individuals.
See our programs and projects below