Our Corporate Programs
4. Tell a compelling story
When it comes to promoting your business, you’ll find that audiences are much more inclined to connect with a compelling story around your brand—we’re hardwired to be attracted to these kind of narratives.
A good brand story should convey who you are—encompassing the values and ideals your brand represents. The tricky part is that your audience isn’t really interested in you. Rather, they are interested in themselves and how you can help them achieve what they want. It's crucial to remember that they, not you, are the main characters of the story you want to tell.
Before creating content, ask yourself, what are your target audience’s pain points and are they actively looking for a solution? Make sure your content places your audience and their needs at the center and delivers real value to help them get what they want. Any form of content that focuses on you won't deliver value to your audience and will most likely fail. Value can be anything from information to entertainment to a feeling of belonging.
Here are some tips on how to do it:
Be authentic—share your story and display your personality. Don't be afraid to talk about failures and success.
Give value—provide tips and information that answer your audience’s questions.
Evoke confidence—demonstrate your work and thought process and show success stories.
Inspire—help your audience imagine their desired outcome and feel it's attainable.
Read more on how to create a compelling brand story.
Explore your story!
We believe that there is a story inside everybody. Every team is made of people--we can therefore assume that every team made of people, has a story. That's where we come in!
The program is divided into three stages, each of which is designed to equip the participant with tools to further their journey of self-exploration, self-understanding, and self-expression—from revisiting significant memories, to exploring body language and movement; from practicing voice projection and pronunciation, to exploring effective tools for presenting to and engaging a live audience.
See the three stages below